So next Tuesday is one of my favourite days of the year. In the UK on the 5th March it is Pancake Day and I am partial to a pancake or two. Now I know that you can have pancakes any day of year, but us Brits do tend to just stick to this day and eat our weight in pancakes. So I thought it only fitting that for this weeks video tutorial I make a 6 inch sponge cake look like a stack of pancakes.
I really do love making cakes look like realistic food and this is one of my favourites. It does take a little bit of time to add all the layers, but I love how easy it is to build up, and once you have a few rows of fondant / icing added it really starts to come alive. In the tutorial I also show you how to make the blueberries out of gumpaste / modelling paste and how to colour piping gel to look like you have poured on maple syrup.
So if you have someone who loves pancakes then this is the cake for them.

Each layer of cake is painted with a combination of ivory food gel colour and rejuvenatior spirit or alcohol to make the pancakes look like they are slightly more browned on the top from the frying pan. When making the ivory colour I actually added a tiny amount of white food gel to just soften the ivory colour so it wasn’t too dark. One of my biggest tips would be when making this cake is before adding the piping gel make sure the colour you have painted on the top is completely dry, else as the piping gel drips over the edge it will pull this colour with it. Mine took a few hours to dry completely!

I hope you all have a lovely pancake day and I really hope you enjoy this weeks video tutorial below…
Also don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more Free cake decorating video tutorials!
Tools I used
I have also put a link below to some of the tools I used throughout this video below:
Modelling tools:
Edible glue:
Rolling Pin:
Turn Table:
Squires Flexi Smoothers:
Plastic Smoothers:
Pipping Gel:
Wilton Ivory Gel:
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Plus why not save this tutorial for later and pin it to Pinterest

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