So if you’ve been following this blog or my YouTube channel for a while you will know that I love to create gumpaste flowers. So this week I have a new tutorial for you, showing how I made these pretty red poppies. Now poppies come in so many varieties of colours so depending on what colour poppy you want to add to your cake you can change the colours around. But this time of year as we approach remembrance day on the 11th there are so many red poppies around and as this is the colour I always think of when I think of poppies I thought I would stick with the red.
So if you are looking to add poppies to your cakes this would be perfect…

Now poppies generally have between 4-6 petals on each flowers, so for these poppies I used 5 on each. I love how delicate poppies always look, so you want to get your gumpaste or your floral paste as thin as possible. I then used the largest cutter in the Tinkertech poppy cutter set which measured 2 x 1.5 inches and has a fan shape. This gave me a finished flower which measured around 7-8cm.
One thing that I loved when creating these flowers was the Squires poppy viener in the size medium that I purchased for this tutorial. Now you can just use an universal petal veiner to add some detail, but the one I used in this tutorial really helped get the curve shape you need and made the texture look so realistic.

Throughout the video I show you how to make all the petals and the flower center that they surround with these black stamen. In the video I chose to colour my stamen myself with some edible dust and rejuvenator spirit, but you can buy the stamen pre coloured and this would be alot less messy, but by colouring your own you can make them any colour that you need.
Below is the full video tutorial. I really hope you will enjoy it and find it useful if you are looking to make your own flowers.
If you’re also looking to find out how to make other gumpaste / sugar flowers you will find more tutorials on my Tutorials page!.
Tools I used
I have put a list below showing all the tools that I used throughout this video or if you would like to see all my favourite cake decorating tools just click here:
Poppy Petal Cutter by Tinkertech
Poppy Veiner by Squires kitchen
Squires Petal Paste (Gumpaste):
Small White Stamen:
PME Foam Pads:
Modelling tools:
Wire (similar):
Edible glue:
PMS Veining Board:
Kitchen Blow Torch:
Sugarflair Petal Dusts (Black):
Sugarflair Petal Dusts (Foliage green):
Floral Tape:
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Plus why not save this tutorial for later and pin it to Pinterest