I’ve been a little quiet on here recently!

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Hi everyone, I hope you’re all well. If you’re new here, welcome to the Cakes by Lynz blog. If you’ve been here for a while you may have wondered why there haven’t been any new cakes recently, so let me give you a little update on what’s been happening if you didn’t already know.

Cakes by Lynz took a little pause

This time last year over on the Cakes by Lynz YouTube channel I announced I was pregnant and expecting a little boy. I continued filming for as long as I could but my bump just got too big to get close enough to the worktop for filming. Then little Hendrix arrived 2 weeks early, which took me totally by surprise; and that was now 8 months ago!

When I told you all I was pregnant so many of you said how quickly time would go, and nothing could have prepared me for how quickly the last 8 months have gone.

Welcome to the world Hendrix

I want to say a massive thank you for all your messages and comments when I announced I was pregnant and also after Hendrix was born. They meant so much to me to read through. I couldn’t reply to them all, but please know I read every one.

Welcome to the World, Hendrix!

I cannot tell you how much I love being Hendrix’s Mum. If you watched my announcement video you’ll know we had to go through IVF to have him, and there is no amount of thanks that will ever feel enough to everyone who helped us. The last 8 months have been the most incredible journey, watching him change from a newborn to a little boy. He smiles and laughs, he’s learning new things everyday, he’s got 2 tiny bottom teeth and he now crawls around keeping us very much on our toes.

Me and Hendrix

I’ve been enjoying every moment with Hendrix, learning and growing with him as a Mum. Being a parent certainly is non stop and honestly I’ve found it so hard to get any filming done over the last few months. It really is a full time job in itself; I totally get that now, but I wouldn’t change a single thing about the last 8 months.

Before he was born I thought it would be easy to get a few hours work done a day whilst he took a nap and 8 months down the road I am still trying to work that one out (please tell me that isn’t just me, lol). Hendrix has never been a huge fan of napping, and when he does it’s usually when I’m holding him. Put him down and he’s wide awake in seconds. It is getting better, but now I just enjoy every cuddle as I know he won’t be this small forever.

Overcoming challenges

In the first few months, Hendrix and I faced a challenge we didn’t quite expect. It turned out he was born with a tongue tie, which made breastfeeding quite a struggle. I knew when feeding him something wasn’t quite right, it was so incredibly painful, and it took finding an amazing breastfeeding charity to work out what was wrong and for me to also see I wasn’t alone. I thought breastfeeding would be easy, but there were other people struggling too. The charity was great at helping me get the help he needed, and give us the support to continue trying. I really wanted to mention this because maybe you’re reading this and you’re feeling something similar, definitely seek out help and advice if you can. I knew there was nothing wrong with giving him a bottle or expressing, but I really wanted to find out what was wrong. I know breastfeeding isn’t for everyone, but overtime we managed to overcome this hurdle, and now Hendrix is thriving, growing and our breastfeeding journey continues.

Looking to the future

Throughout IVF and my pregnancy I have to admit there were times when I didn’t feel that creative, but after having time away I have so many new ideas for cakes and tutorials I want to create. I love creating cakes and sharing my cake journey with you all and I’ve really missed creating and uploading new videos for you to watch.

I realise I don’t have as much time as I once did, so looking to the future I know I might not be able to upload as many tutorials as I used to, but I’m going to try and create as many as I can. I can not wait to continue the Cakes by Lynz journey with Hendrix by my side, as I try to find my new normal; balancing nappy changes, sleepless nights, baby classes, family time along with filming and editing. I am so excited to continue creating and to share it with you all.

Cakes by Lynz family

THANK YOU so much for your support over the last few months, for continuing to watch all my old videos and send messages to check in. To know you would still be here when we were ready really allowed me to take a step back and enjoy the early months with Hendrix. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little update. Keep an eye out for all the new content to come and I really hope you’re enjoying the new Cakes by Lynz website layout.

Thank you for reading!

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One Response

  1. Hi Lynz, baby Hendix is beautiful. What a lovely photo of you and your husband holding him. Of course we miss your tutorials, but for me, watching and learning even more from your older tutorials is great! Keep well and lots of love xx❤️

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Hi, I’m Lynsey and welcome to Cakes by Lynz. I LOVE everything cake! Here you will find all my latest cake decorating video tutorials from my YouTube channel, reviews and general cake ramblings!

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